Tag: LGD 4033 (Ligandrol)

PCT for Moderately Suppressive SARMs: RAD-140; LGD-4033

The main concern for most SARM users is the level of testosterone suppression they will experience after a cycle, and

By Ivan

12 Before and After LGD 4033 Transformations [From Reddit]

LGD 4033 is most people’s go-to SARM for bulking up and rivals the muscle-building ability of RAD 140 but without

By Ivan

LGD 3303 vs LGD 4033 – Differences in Properties and Usage

Both LGD 4033, which is also known as Ligandrol, and LGD 3303 (not LGD 3033!) are SARMs developed by Ligand

By Ivan

How Long Each Sarm Stays in Your System – Detection Time

Every PED, including SARMs and other research chemicals (RCs), has its own unique properties in terms of metabolization and clearance

By Ivan

How to Properly Take Liquid SARMs & Measure MG/ML

Liquid SARMs are the most popular form of SARMs next to pills. The main benefit of liquid SARMs is the

By Ivan

Rad 140 vs Lgd 4033 | Differences & Which One Is Better for You

Rad 140 and LGD 4033 are often looked at as equals in terms of their lean muscle-building potential, and their

By Ivan

Best Time to Take Each SARM | Dosage Frequency Explained

The best time to take SARMs depends on the SARMs’ half-life. The time necessary for a compound’s active substance to

By Ivan

Hair Loss from SARMs: Tier-List, Prevention & Reversal

One of the main reasons people use SARMs instead of AAS (steroids) is to avoid androgenic side effects like hair

By Ivan