How Long Each Sarm Stays in Your System – Detection Time

How Long Each Sarm Stays in Your System – Detection Time

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Every PED, including SARMs and other research chemicals (RCs), has its own unique properties in terms of metabolization and clearance from your system.

Different SARMs and RCs will stay in your system for different periods of time, leaving metabolites in your urine, blood, and hair. The principle by which you get caught using them is the same as with any other performance-enhancing drug. Doping tests scan for the presence of these metabolites in your urine or blood.

Most SARMs are proven to be detectable from 9 to 21 days after a single dose administration. This varies from SARM to SARM. Some SARMs have little research behind them, so the detectability time for them is still unknown.

Here’s how long each SARM is detectable by drug tests screening for metabolites in urine and blood:/*! elementor - v3.16.0 - 17-10-2023 */<br /> .elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px}

How Long Do SARMs Stay Detectable?

These below-listed detection times are based on the latest doping control research by organizations such as the Institute for Doping in Moscow. They tested urine samples following the days and weeks from subjects who were given a single dose of a SARM, or performance-enhancing research chemical.

All of the research papers referenced throughout this article are linked at the very bottom under the “References” tab.

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is detectable in urine for approximately 2 weeks after a single dose administration. [1]

Ostarine was tested in a controlled single-dose administration study of 30mg in different volunteers. Urine was collected for the following 3 weeks. Ostarine metabolites were detectable in urine for ~ 2 weeks after the 30mg administration across all of the volunteers.

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is detectable in urine for approximately 2 weeks after a single dose administration. [1]

Just like Ostarine, Andarine was tested in a controlled single-dose administration study where different volunteers were given 60mg. Urine was then collected for the following 3 weeks. Andarine metabolites were detectable in urine for ~ 2 weeks after the 60mg administration across all of the volunteers.

Ligandrol – LGD 4033

LGD 4033 is detectable in urine for up to 20.5 days. [2]

Multiple elimination studies have been done to test for metabolites after giving volunteers micro- and normal doses of LGD 4033. It was shown to be detectable as early as 11 days after a tiny dose of 50 µg. The maximum detection time for Ligandrol was shown to be 20.5 days, in which 11 metabolites were detected. 

Testolone (RAD-140)

RAD-140 is detectable in urine for up to 8 days in urine. [3]

RAD 140 was tested in a controlled single-dose administration study where volunteers were given 10 mg. RAD 140 was shown to be detectable in urine for at least 8 days after the administration.


YK-11 is detectable in urine for up to 48 hours after administration. [4]


The detectability period of S-23 is unknown as it has not been thoroughly researched for doping control.


The detectability period of LGD-3303 is unknown as it has not been thoroughly researched for doping control.


The detectability period of ACP-105 is unknown as there is no human data at the time of writing.

But there is one study that examined its detection in racehorses.

According to a study on the detection of ACP-105 and its metabolites in racehorses after oral administration, it was found that a total of 19 metabolites were detected in ACP-105 drug-administered equine urine samples. The study results suggest that ACP-105 and its metabolites were detectable in urine for up to 72 hours. [7]

This makes sense as ACP-105 is reported to have a very short half-life.

Ibutamoren (MK-677)

MK-677 is detectable in urine for 2 weeks. [5]

MK-677’s detectability was tested in a single-dose administration study where volunteers were given 10 mg. Then urine was collected in the following weeks. MK-677 metabolites were detected up to the 12th day following the single-dose administration.


Cardarine is detectable in urine for up to 40 days. [6]

Will SARMs Fail a Drug Test

None of the SARMs will cause you to fail standard drug tests. You will only be caught if you are tested for doping agents by a sports organization that has explicitly banned SARMs and/or follows WADA’s anti-doping policies.

SARMs will not show up on military, work, police, or firefighter drug tests.

But, if you somehow end up getting fake or tainted products that contain traces of anabolic steroids, you might fail a drug test for something you didn’t know you were taking.

Sourcing Legit SARMs

Fake SARMs are not as common as they once were, but unfortunately, scamming companies that sell you underdosed, bunk, or counterfeit products, are still around. So only shop from well-known and credible sources to make sure you get legit and high quality products.

The following companies have been around for years and built an ironclad reputation in the enhanced bodybuilding community by offering top notch products, always 3-rd party batch tested, and excellent customer support. They are the industry leaders, and should be your first stop if you decide to purchase any research chemical, peptide, or SARM.

UK & EU #1Discount: POP20
AUS & NZ #1 Discount: POP10
AUS & NZ #2Discount: POP10


If you’re expecting a drug test that explicitly bans SARMs, be prepared to stop taking your SARM for at least double its current known metabolite detectability status (just to be safe).

Most of the studies quoted in this article are not large-scale studies that include tens or hundreds of participants, nor did they test for metabolites after long-period SARM use. So it would be fair to assume that the longer you use a SARM, the longer it would take for the metabolites to clear from your body.

Things like weight, height, activity level, and hormone panel come into play as well. And the truth is, it’s incredibly unpredictable.

Be cautious and critical. Good luck.


1. Applicability of routine analytical procedures to detect andarine and ostarine. A comparative study

2. Investigations into the elimination profiles and metabolite ratios of micro-dosed selective androgen receptor modulator LGD-4033 for doping control purposes
3. In vitro and in vivo metabolism of RAD140, a novel non-steroidal SARM

4. Studies on the in vivo metabolism of the SARM YK11: Identification and characterization of metabolites potentially useful for doping controls

5. Urinary metabolism of ibutamoren, a small molecule growth hormone secretagogue

6. Detection of PPARδ agonists GW1516 and GW0742 and their metabolites in human urine

7. Detection and identification of ACP-105 and its metabolites in equine urine using LC/MS/MS after oral administration

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