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What time to take each SARM

What time to take each SARM – Half Lives

The best time to take SARMs depends on the SARMs’ half-life—the time necessary for a compound’s active substance to reduce by half in your body. Dosages are to be timed…
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MK-677 as a PCT

MK-677 as a PCT: Keep Your Gains After a Cycle

The idea of using MK-677 as a PCT, either standalone after your cycle or alongside a SERM, stems from its properties of increased recovery, healing, and muscle building in conjunction with the mildness of its side effects.…
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A special gift to all my email subscribers. The PED Dictionary is a DOC designed to help you navigate the world of enhanced bodybuilding. A game changer for beginners that want to learn more but don't know where to start, and a must-have handbook for even the most advanced enhanced researchers.