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Triptorelin PCT: Pros and Cons, How to use it

Triptorelin PCT: Pros and Cons, How to use it

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What is Triptorelin?

Triptorelin is a peptide hormone that acts as an analog of GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone). GnRH is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the hypothalamus which triggers the production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which stimulate Testosterone production and spermatogenesis, respectively.

The way Triptorelin works is really simple: It replaces our naturally occurring GnRH production and stimulates the production of LH and FSH. This can be great if done a low dose is used but can be devastating when done in high doses. Here’s why:

LOW DOSE: Awakens the HPTA after being shutdown during a cycle. It provides the small kick that is necessary to restart endogenous Testosterone and sperm production.

HIGH DOSE: Shuts down the HPTA. High doses are used in criminals, prostate cancer patients and people with hypersexual disorders. High doses cause a sudden dramatic increase in LH and FSH. This increase is so absurd, that the body responds by down-regulating LH and FSH receptors. In other words, the body is shocked by the sudden LH and FSH increase, so it forcibly stops their production, leading to a halt in Testosterone and sperm production.

This can be reversed with SERMs and/or by waiting, which is why criminals who are castrated with Triptorelin need to receive a Triptorelin shot every month.

Benefits & side-effects of triptorelin

Besides potential recovery of natural testosterone production, the only benefits of Triptorelin are those that come with having healthy Testosterone and Estradiol levels.

Besides potential castration, the only side-effects of Triptorelin are the side-effects of high Testosterone and Estradiol levels. In other words, if Triptorelin use leads to high Testosterone levels, you will have excess estradiol conversion and all the side-effects that come with having high levels of both hormones.

Triptorelin PCT protocol

Triptorelin is often referred to as the β€œONE-SHOT PCT”, because there have been plenty of anecdotal reports of men who were completely shut down managing to permanently restore their natural hormone production with a single Triptorelin shot.

The typical Triptorelin dose for PCT is a 100mcg (micrograms, not milligrams, very important!) shot. This protocol seems to work well when used after all the compounds used during any given cycle have left the body. Some people advocate for using Tamoxifen or another SERM alongside Triptorelin for at least 14 days, to ensure that there is no dip in LH and FSH production after using Triptorelin.

Conclusion: Should you take triptorelin?

Given the relatively small amount of anecdotal data we have on using Triptorelin as a PCT I would personally advise against using it for that purpose.

Sure, things will probably go well if you are smart with the dose and you time it right (which is not easy if you took something like Deca or one of its derivative given that they leave suppressive metabolites for months), but you can get the same results with tried and tested drugs like HCG, Tamoxifen, Clomid and Enclomiphene.

It’s just so easy for unexperienced users to reconstitute Triptorelin improperly and end up overdosing on it by accident…

If you wish to acquire Triptorelin for your own research (and not for personal use), you can find it by clicking on the link below. I advise against buying it.

Use discount code POP10 for 10% off.


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