11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) is a naturally occurring steroid hormone that plays a crucial role in the physiology of certain animals, including fish and reptiles. Even though we humans produce it in very small amounts, it does not really have play any relevant role in the human body, so why are we even discussing it?
Well, exogenous 11-Ketotestosterone can be an incredibly useful PED for bodybuilders looking to build muscle, get shredded and look harder without facing serious side-effects. In this article, we will be taking a look at its benefits and side-effects, as well as how to use it properly.
Like every other AAS, 11-Keto builds muscle by attaching to androgen receptors and stimulating protein synthesis. However, 11-Keto has a unique property that makes it truly special: It can inhibit the production of cortisol from cortisone.
11-Keto accomplishes this by inhibiting an enzyme called HSD-11β, which is responsible for that conversion. By doing this, 11-Keto reduces stress and promotes the release of stubborn body fat, facilitating its use for energy (which results in fat loss).
Here are the key benefits of this AAS:
It is worth noting, however, that 11-Keto does not seem to increase physical strength or performance to a significant extent. This could be due to the fact that this AAS can dry out the joints and reduce their ability to support heavy weights.
Other than the negative effect on joint health that we’ve just discussed, 11-Ketotestosterone is also known for causing the following negative side-effects:
While these side-effects seem relatively normal and manageable, we need to take into account the fact that 11-Ketotestosterone is not backed by as much research and anecdotal data as other AAS are, so other side-effects are also possible.
Unfortunately, finding 11-Ketotestosterone for sale is extremely hard. Luckily, we can buy its precursor hormone, which is 11-oxoandrostenedione (aka 11-Oxo). 11-Oxo is orally bioavailable, but users see the best results when using it topically.
Taking 200 to 300mg orally (or rubbing an equivalent amount of cream) daily (in 2 to 3 servings) provides great results without causing too much Testosterone suppression. It can be used for up to 8 weeks at a time, and even though many people manage to get away without doing a PCT, I would always recommend doing one.
None of my trusted sources offer 11-Oxo, but you can easily find it for sale in the USA, the UK and Europe with a quick google search.
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