Rad 140 is one of the most talked about SARMs because of its versatility and potency in terms of muscle building. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s crucial to know and understand the possible side effects of Rad 140 before you start taking it.
It’s not uncommon for a user to cut their Rad 140 cycle short because they couldn’t handle one or multiple of the side effects. In most of these cases, the culprit is testosterone suppression and the symptoms associated with it.
So in this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at each and every Rad 140 side effect that has been scientifically proven and anecdotally reported. I’ll also provide actionable instructions on how to prevent and mitigate each of the side effects.
Testosterone suppression is the most well-known side effect that’s universal to every SARM out there at varying degrees.
Rad 140 is known to be a moderately suppressive SARM, and by taking it, you will experience a significant decrease in your natural testosterone levels.
Symptoms and side effects of low testosterone include:
Testosterone suppression is the most common culprit for failed cycles. Many users simply can’t take the symptoms that come with it and cut their cycles 1 or 2 weeks short. Keep in mind that this happens only to a small minority of users running Rad 140 at high doses.
Testosterone suppression has two phases: on cycle (the state at which your body halts natural testosterone suppression) and post cycle suppression (the state at which your body starts natural testosterone production to combat the suppression).
To effectively mitigate and completely reverse testosterone suppression from Rad 140 is to use a test base, followed by a proper post cycle therapy protocol.
The test base will be a replacement for your natural testosterone on cycle, and there are 7 different ways you can effectively do one – mitigate phase 1 suppression.
The post cycle therapy (PCT) will jumpstart your natural testosterone production after a cycle – mitigate phase 2 suppression.
The easiest and arguably safest approach to mitigate testosterone suppression both on cycle and post cycle is to do a SARM + SERM Rad 140 cycle (you can find detailed instructions on the linked pages above).
Rad 140 will cause an increase in your bad cholesterol (LDL) and a decrease in your good cholesterol (HDL). The extent of this side effect can vary from person to person depending on individual response to Rad 140 and, of course, the dose. Logically, the higher the dose, the greater the impact on your lipid panel.
“High cholesterol” also doesn’t manifest in your day to day life – you won’t feel it, but it’s there. Bloodwork is your best friend and is the only way to know how much your lipid panel was hit.
So, how do you cope and reverse Rad 140’s impact on your lipid panel?
Whether Rad 140 is liver toxic or not is still a gray area, as there are a LOT of anecdotal reports and bloodwork showing no elevated liver enzymes at all and vice versa.
Though a clinical trial found that Rad 140 does increase liver enzymes and is hepatotoxic. Read here.
So how do you combat liver toxicity caused by Rad 140?
IMPORTANT: Milk thistle and Tamoxifen and Raloxifene can have a drug interaction and cause negative effects – so do not combine them.
Don’t panic, hair shedding is not the same as hair loss. And 99% of the time is completely temporary and reversible.
Hair shedding is a side effect that you can experience with other SARMs as well, but the vast majority of anecdotal cases were from Rad 140.
Why it happens is still somewhat of a mystery. Some people speculate that it’s a result of the increase in Free Testosterone (with that DHT) that Rad 140 causes by suppressing SHBG. Another theory is that Rad 140 attaches to the androgen receptors in the scalp and causes hair loss directly.
So, how do you prevent it?
Throughout your cycle, supplement with:
Rad 140 is very well known for causing aggression in users, often times manifested through irritability and impatience.
Luckily this aggression can be easily coped with by supplementing with:
A lot of users report that “getting blazed” helps them overcome their on-cycle aggression as well. Do what you will with that.
You’ve probably seen a few cases of gyno if you’re an avid consumer of fitness content online. Gynecomastia is the growth of breast tissue (and not fat) in men. It is caused by an imbalance in testosterone and estrogen.
Men who’ve had gynecomastia in their teens are at a far greater risk of developing it again if they take Rad 140.
How to prevent it?
Either one until you finish your cycle. They will completely prevent and get rid of any development of gyno.
Insomnia is very, very rare. But some people do experience it from taking Rad 140, as well as other SARMs.
To overcome insomnia, take the following supplements half an hour before bed:
Lifestyle changes that can help you overcome your insomnia:
This will set an internal timer in your body that in around 12 to 16 hours later, your brain will release melatonin. Just in time for bed.
Rad 140 has many dangers and is not a miracle magic muscle pill. Chances are, you will experience at least one of these side effects, no matter how confident you are in your body’s ability to tolerate it.
But, when you have a plan and are prepared for anything that comes your way, then you can smash your goals and have a productive cycle. Both for gains and longevity. By now you should be fully equipped with all the info you need regarding what to expect side effect-wise when doing Rad 140. Not only this, but you also learned how to avoid and minimize each of the side effects.
premium resources
Everything you would ever want or need to know about SARMs to use and recover from them. Also includes other research chemicals.
An all-in-one guide that will teach you how each of the peptides works, how you can use them and find the perfect one (or stack) to reach your goals.
Wish there was ONE comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to get you fully informed on the safe and effective use of anabolic steroids?
Improve penile function, get harder fuller and longer-lasting erections, increase stamina in bed and last longer, go more rounds. All the good stuff.
A summary of everything you NEED to know about using PHs as safely as possible, supplements to stay as healthy as possible during cycles and how to recover (PCT).
A document I originally made for my clients. A neat map to the sphere of PEDs and supplements.
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