MK677 is a GH and IGF-1 secretagogue, which means that it promotes the production of growth hormone and IGF-1. These are not only some of the most anabolic hormones in the body but also the hormones responsible for making you grow during your childhood and puberty.
MK677 can cause height growth if properly taken for long periods of time. However, this does not apply to everyone, as one can only grow taller while their growth plates are still open.
In this article, you will learn if MK677 can benefit you in terms of height and how to properly use it for such. The information is based on the latest academic data as well as the careful analysis of hundreds of anecdotal reports and experiences from users who experimented with it to grow taller.
MK677 (also known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal) is often used as a replacement for GH shots by bodybuilders and athletes. While it is not as effective as injections, it is much cheaper and orally bioavailable.
MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue, meaning it stimulates the production of growth hormone and IGF-1 in the body. It is a ghrelin receptor agonist, it works by binding to and activating the ghrelin receptor. This activation leads to the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, resulting in increased levels of circulating GH and IGF-1.
It’s widely used among bodybuilders and gym-goers alongside other compounds to aid in muscle growth and recovery. Many users also take it standalone for its other benefits.
By increasing IGF-1 and GH, MK677 has the following benefits:
The short answer is yes, MK677 can aid height growth unless your growth plates have fused. If you’re between 20 and 25 years old, there’s still a slim chance that your growth plates have not fused. If you’re between 18 and 20, there’s a bigger chance that they haven’t fused. If you’re under 18, your growth plates are most likely still open, and you can use MK677 to grow taller.
On paper, MK677 can aid height growth and make you taller because it significantly increases GH and IGF-1 levels. For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology administered 10–50 mg of MK677 daily to 9 GH-deficient men aged 17-34. While their height was not monitored, the hormonal impact was very promising.
Growth hormone has been effectively used for decades to treat hormone deficiencies, growth failure, and short stature in kids and teenagers. While MK677 has never been tested specifically for height growth, it significantly increases the hormones responsible for it, suggesting that long-term use would be effective.
Based on anecdotal reports, only a handful of users experienced a noticeable increase in height. Three cases reported significant growth, ranging from:
The empirical evidence suggests that MK677 may have a significant effect on height in some people and a small effect on others. Note that all examples involved long-term use and users were young with their growth plates not fully closed.
The people who will benefit most from MK677 are those who have not had their growth plates close and are actively engaging in a sport or going to the gym. If your growth plates are closed, then taking MK677 for height is pointless.
For reference, growth plates close at:
If you’re over this age, you can find out if your growth plates are closed by getting an X-ray done. Alternatively, you could experiment with MK677 without knowing if your growth plates are closed. To make this worthwhile, you should lift seriously throughout the cycle to ensure you gain muscle and improve your physique via elevated GH and IGF-1.
If you take MK677 for gaining height, you will need to run it for months to see noticeable effects. However, taking MK677 for extended periods may lead to serious issues if not done correctly or if you source fake MK677.
While MK677 is often regarded as harmless in bodybuilding, taking it for over 16 weeks may cause insulin resistance, potentially leading to type 2 diabetes if ignored. Increased prolactin is another side effect, associated with gyno and erectile dysfunction, but the increase caused by MK677 is typically not high enough to cause these symptoms.
Although the half-life in humans is unknown, its effects last for 24 hours after administration. Taking MK677 for height will require months of use.
To prevent potential side effects like insulin resistance, consider supplementing with glucose disposal agents and following dosing protocols designed for long-term use.
For those who do not want breaks, consider supplementing with:
To mitigate prolactin increase, take Vitamin B6 in the form of P5P before bed on days you take MK677. Generally, one would take 100 mg of P5P during a cycle of MK677, but considering the low dose and long timeframe, 40 – 80 mg of P5P is sufficient.
That was a lot of information, but now you know how to use MK677 to grow taller. This is a sensitive topic that I put a lot of effort and research into covering.
In short: MK677 for height gain is absolutely worth it, but only if your growth plates are still open.
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