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Nattokinase for Enhanced Bodybuilding – Benefits & Use

Nattokinase for Enhanced Bodybuilding – Benefits & Use

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Nattokinase is a natural supplement that has immense benefits for enhanced bodybuilding because it has blood thinning properties, especially useful since a lot of the PEDs we use and love are known to thicken blood and cause serious problems.

My goal with this article is for you to buy this supplement from your favorite supplement store as soon as you are done reading this article, because, as you are about to learn, there is no reason why an enhanced bodybuilder should not be using it.

What Is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase is a natural enzyme derived from the traditional Japanese dish Natto, which is a fermented soybean product that has been a staple in Japanese cuisine for centuries. Nattokinase is an enzyme that is produced during the fermentation process of Natto.

How Does Nattokinase Work in the Body?

Nattokinase operates as a potent fibrinolytic enzyme, meaning it aids in the breakdown of fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting. Fibrin clots can contribute to various cardiovascular issues, including thrombosis and atherosclerosis, so Nattokinase has incredible cardioprotective properties.

How Does It Benefit Bodybuilders?

The use of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs leads to an increase in blood thickness. This is extremely dangerous, as it causes an increase in blood pressure that can cause dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds and other annoying side-effects short-term, but also cardiac hypertrophy and even deadly cardiovascular events in the long run.

Donating blood during and/or after cycles/blasts is one of the best ways to offset this side-effect, but preventing the blood from becoming thicker in the first place is much better.

Aspirin is very effective at doing so, but it can cause serious side-effects if used continuously for extended periods of time. This is where Nattokinase comes into play. This natural enzyme has been shown to have blood thinning effects (by decreasing RBC aggregation & blood viscosity) that can greatly mitigate this dangerous side-effect of PED use and prevent its consequences (like high blood pressure).

NOTE: Even though Nattokinase is very effective, it may not be strong enough to completely prevent increased blood thickness during advanced, high-dose AAS cycles. Getting bloodwork done (with Complete Blood Count) after a cycle will be the best way to determine whether donating blood is still necessary or not.

Does It Have Any Side-Effects?

Nattokinase is extremely safe, but it can cause issues in people who are already using blood-thinning medications and/or anticoagulant medications. Nattokinase users may also have a harder time healing skin wounds (including tattoos, believe it or not).

Does It Suppress Testosterone or Increase Estrogen?

Let’s clear some rumors I’ve come across regarding Nattokinase and whether it impacts the hormonal panel, namely increase/decrease testosterone and estrogen.

There is no evidence to support that Nattokinase has any effect on your testosterone or estrogen levels.

How to Use Nattokinase

If you are an enhanced bodybuilder, chances are you should be using Nattokinase (whether you are on TRT or an advanced cycle). If you are on TRT or just running mild/moderate cycles, you can take 100mg Nattokinase per day. If you are on more advanced cycles, take up to 200mg a day. I would highly recommend taking it after cycles/blasts as well.

As mentioned before, Nattokinase is not always a valid replacement for blood donations / phlebotomies. If your bloodwork results show high levels of RBC / Hemoglobin / Hematocrit, you may still need to have blood extracted.

Where to Buy Nattokinase

You can find Nattokinase on Amazon or any supplement store. Some pharmacies may have it too. It does not require a prescription.

If you want to support my hard work in writing this article, sharing it, and doing my best for it to show up on your search, click the Amazon to get Nattokinase – I’ll receive a small commission of a few percent as a result. Thanks!


In conclusion, Nattokinase, a natural supplement with blood-thinning properties derived from the traditional Japanese dish Natto, offers significant benefits for enhanced bodybuilders.

Its ability to counteract the dangerous increase in blood thickness caused by the use of performance-enhancing drugs makes it a valuable addition to bodybuilding regimens. While Nattokinase is generally safe, individuals on blood-thinning medications should be cautious. Those considering its use should carefully follow recommended dosages based on their cycle intensity and monitor their bloodwork for optimal health management. Nattokinase is readily available for purchase at various outlets, including Amazon, supplement stores, and some pharmacies, and does not require a prescription.

Thanks for reading.

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