Bemethyl – Benefits & Side Effects Explained

Bemethyl – Benefits & Side Effects Explained

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Bemethyl is a pharmaceutical compound that falls under the category of adaptogens—substances that help the body adapt to various stressors, promoting overall physical resilience.

Originally developed in the 1970s in the Soviet Union, Bemethyl has gained recognition for its versatile applications and is still being used as a PED by eastern-european athletes of all disciplines due to it not being in WADA’s list of banned substances.

How Does Bemethyl Work?

Bemethyl exerts its effects through several mechanisms, primarily acting on the central nervous system. The compound enhances the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of cells, thereby optimizing cellular energy metabolism (just like Creatine, except a lot more effectively). Additionally, Bemethyl has also been reported to have antioxidant and antihypoxant properties, protecting cells from oxidative stress and improving the delivery of oxygen to tissues throughout the body.

Benefits of Bemethyl

Improved Cognitive Function: Bemethyl has been studied for its potential to enhance cognitive function, including memory and attention. It is believed to optimize brain energy metabolism, leading to improved mental clarity and focus, so it could be classified as a nootropic drug.

Enhanced Performance: Athletes and individuals engaged in physically demanding activities may find Bemethyl beneficial due to its reported anti-fatigue and stimulant effects. By supporting energy production at the cellular level, stimulating the CNS and improving tissue oxygenation, Bemethyl may contribute to increased endurance and reduced fatigue, allowing users to exert themselves physically.

Stress Adaptation: As an adaptogen, Bemethyl assists the body in adapting to stressors, whether physical or psychological. This adaptogenic property makes it a potential ally in managing stress-related conditions and it minimizes the negative impact of stress on one’s health.

Improved Immune Function: Some studies suggest that Bemethyl may have immunomodulatory effects, potentially supporting the immune system. This could be particularly relevant in situations where the immune system is compromised or needs a boost.

Bemethyl has also been shown to have anti-mutagenic and anti-clastogenic effects. This means that it can protect DNA from the effects of some medicines and treatments that can change DNA or cause cancer.

Side-Effects of Bemethyl

While Bemethyl is generally considered safe when used responsibly, individuals may experience side effects like include insomnia, irritability, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

How To Use Bemethyl

Bemethyl is typically taken with food at a dose of 250mg twice a day (morning and early afternoon) for a week, and then 500mg twice a day (same timing) for another week. After these two weeks, taking a one-month break before doing another 2 weeks is recommended in order to prevent the aforementioned negative side-effects: 2 weeks on, 4 weeks off.

I personally recommend using Bemethyl during periods of intense physical or mental exertion. Think of it as the perfect combination of Creatine with a Nootropic like Noopept and with an endurance-enhancer like Cardarine or ITPP.

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