One of the most serious side-effects of Trenbolone that doesn’t get much attention is the effect it has on our brain.
According to animal (rat) studies, Trenbolone is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and induce apoptosis of primary hippocampal neurons and increases the concentration of a protein known as A-Beta-42.
In other words, Trenbolone kills neurons in the hippocampus, which is the region of the brain that controls both short-term and long-term memory. Furthermore, high A-Beta-42 concentrations have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This is incredibly concerning, because it means that repeated Trenbolone use could seriously affect one’s memory, promote neurodegeneration, and increase the chances of one developing dementia or Alzheimer’s later in life.
What’s also concerning is that in this study, not even Testosterone and estradiol were able to protect the brain from Trenbolone, meaning that the theory that keeping estradiol levels slightly high on Trenbolone to prevent brain damage is NOT valid.
But is all hope lost? Is it possible to avoid or at least mitigate this terrible side-effect? The truth is we don’t know. We could theorize that supplementing with neuroprotective nootropics that stimulate memory by increasing the expression of neurotransmitters like glutamate and acetylcholine in the hippocampus MAY counteract the neurotoxicity of Trenbolone, but this is just a theory that has never been studied.
My nootropic of choice would be Oxiracetam, which has also been shown to decrease the expression of the protein A-Beta-42 that Trenbolone increases.
In my opinion, athletes who want (or rather NEED) to use Trenbolone should consider supplementing with nootropics like Oxiracetam + Alpha-GPC and limit Trenbolone use as much as possible to prevent long-term brain damage.
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