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SELANK Peptide: Benefits, Side-Effects & How to use it

SELANK Peptide: Benefits, Side-Effects & How to use it
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Selank is a synthetic peptide derived from the naturally occurring peptide Tuftsin, which is responsible for stimulating the immune system.

However, the Russian scientists who developed Selank did not come up with it to improve immune function, but to treat anxiety and improve cognitive function. Unfortunately, there is very little clinical data on its effects and it was never approved for human use, so most of what we know about it comes from anecdotal reports.

Over the last few years, Selank has grown in popularity together with Semax. Both peptides share similar properties and are essentially used for the same purposes, but they shine when used together.

How does Selank work?

Selank works by increasing the expression of enkephalins, natural peptides that fight stress. It also appears to interact with GABA receptors, giving Selank a calming effect.

This peptide also increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein that improves memory and information-retention.

Finally, Selank is also known to interact with dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine receptors. The interaction of Selank with these neurotransmitters may explain why this peptide also seems to have anti-depressant and focus-boosting properties.

Benefits of Selank

The primary benefits of Selank are the following:

  • Decrease in stress and anxiety. As we’ve just discussed, Selank is highly anxiolytic and can help just about anyone feel more relaxed in stressful situations, as well as throughout the day. Some users claim that Selank helps them deal with social anxiety as well.
  • Improved cognitive function and memory. Like any good nootropic, Selank will allow you to focus more, retain more information and learn new concepts more easily. A perfect tool for students and busy entrepreneurs who need an edge.
  • Improved mood. By interacting with dopamine and serotonin, Selank will improve mood and decrease symptoms of depression.
  • Improve immune function. This one should not come as a surprise when we consider that Selank is a synthetic analogue of the immune-boosting peptide Tuftsin, but Selank can increase IL-6 cytokines and stimulate interferon secretion, making it effective at fighting viral and microbial infections.

However, that is not all.

Bodybuilders who use Selank also report a decrease in brain fog, especially after a strenuous workout, as well as increased sensitivity to stimulants like caffeine, synephrine, yohimbine and others.

There is also some anecdotal evidence to suggest that it can improve libido and sexual function, as well as decrease cholesterol, reduce blood sugar levels, improve blood flow, protect the liver, help with addiction withdrawal, slow down tumor growth, improve sleep quality and heal brain damage.

Side effects of Selank

There is almost no scientific data on the side-effects of Selank. Some users report headaches, facial flushing and hair loss.

The vast majority of users who stick to a reasonable protocol report no significant negative side-effects.

It is also worth noting that Selank does not appear to be addictive or cause any withdrawal effects according to clinical trials.

Types of Selank

As with Semax, There’s 3 types of Selank.

  • Selank: The basic form and the only one that’s been through clinical trials.
  • N-Acetyl-Selank: Just like Selank but reportedly stronger due to improved absorption and half-life.
  • N-Acetyl-Selank Amidate: Very little data on this one because it’s hard to come across.

How to use Selank

Semax comes in injectable and intranasal formulations. I suggest you use the intranasal spray if possible, as it will make your life easier and will work just as well if not better.

Regardless of the administration route, start with 150mcg 2 to 3 times a day, and work your way up to 300mcg 2 to 3 times a day if you tolerate it well.

If you experience side-effects at one of these doses, simply go back down to a dose you feel good at. I would not take it for more than 4 weeks at a time (there isn’t much data on its long-term effects). Take a rest time equal in length to the cycle.

Can it be used “as needed”? Some users claim it works fast enough for that to be possible. Give it a shot and see if that occurs to you as well.

Many users stack it with Semax, which I covered in my previous post. If you decide to take them together, I suggest you start with half the recommended dose of each peptide and work your way up to the max recommended dose for both of them.

Where to buy Selank

You can find Selank in intranasal form here (use code POP20 for 20% off).

You can find Selank in injectable (subcutaneous) form here (use code POP10 for 10% off).

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