TRT users look into SARMs as healthier alternatives to blasting and cruising. On TRT SARMs bring some health benefits, and yield benefits that natural users would not experience. Needless to say not requiring a PCT.
Many have concerns whether SARMs will be effective compared to just adding in light AAS or more testosterone. In this article I will elaborate on that, share unique benefits that SARMs present for TRT users, briefly delve into each SARM, and provide the best protocols.
What you read is based on the latest academic data, the analysis of thousands of online reports, as well as conclusions made from my own experiments with myself and over 500 lifetime clients in conditions deemed as controlled as possible. Enjoy.
One of the signature side effects of SARMs is the suppression of natural testosterone levels, FH & FSH.Β Since through TRT testosterone is received exogenously through injections this side effect is not present making a lot of room for experimentation. Testosterone and E2 levels will always remain stable.
SHBG suppression is the other hormonal side effect caused by all SARMs, and will affect you as a TRT user. Though it’s inconsequential, it’s worth keeping note of as it can cause issues if your TRT is not dialed in. Most of the time it’s beneficial as you’ll reap the benefits of a slight increase in free testosterone.
As a TRT user these two side effects are the only one’s you’ll be looking at if you decide to use SARMs. All SARMs will cause a disbalance between your LDL and HDL, and most will elevate your liver enzymes.
Some users don’t experience an increase in liver enzymes from milder SARMs, but I’ve also seen cases of stronger SARMs. Either way, you should expect to experience both of these side effects with a correlation to the strength of the SARM.
Mild SARMs like MK-2866 (Ostarine), S-4 (Andarine), ACP-105 and AC-262-536 will be less harsh on your lipid profile and liver.
Out of all of the SARMs only LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) causes water retention, very often mild. If this side effect is something you’re specifically trying to avoid then take any other SARM.
Many TRT users speculate that SARMs will not work for them, or that they aren’t worth it compared to oral AAS like Anavar, or just upping the TRT dose. All of these don’t hold any logical weight.
You have a lot more receptors than a TRT dose of testosterone can occupy, and SARMs will work the same, delivering the same benefits, regardless if you’re on TRT or not.
They’re a much safer way to dabble with PEDs and add muscle than AAS, and are perfect for health oriented TRT users that want to get their hands dirty from time to time without compromising their health and keeping side effects to a minimum – with exceptions.
Everything you need to know about each SARM condensed, if you want to read in more details click on the highlighted texts.
Ostarine is the first SARM ever created and as such has the most academic data and successful clinical trials to its name. It’s considered a mild SARM, that will add a noticable amount of muscle on a caloric surplus and potentially in a deficit – but nothing crazy.
It’s very well tolerated, and yields interesting properties like the ability to heal joints and tendons which has been anecdotally reported. It is clinically proven to strengthen bones, it does not retain water, and considered mild in all regards.
S-4 is another mild SARM just like Ostarine. It is not as thoroughly researched and has yet to be tested in a clinical trial, though very popular among users. In strength it is very comparable to Ostarine.
One thing about S-4 is that it causes a weird side-effect which is believed to be caused by attaching to receptors in the eyes: a yellowish/green tint. This side effect is only present in higher doses typically above 45 mg/day. Otherwise the same side effects apply.
ACP-105 is another mild SARM. It’s very comparable to Ostarine and S-4 in terms of the benefits and side effects. There’s nothing inherently special about this SARM and users that try it compare it to S-4 and Ostarine. It lacks scientific data, but empirical data shows that it’s very similar to the other mild SARMs in all regards.
AC-262-536 is another mild SARM like Ostarine, S-4 and ACP-105. It is reported to cause less suppression, which for the context of using it while on TRT doesn’t matter.
Otherwise it is comparable to the other mild SARMs both in terms of side effects and benefits by users that have tried it. However there are some reports indicating that it’s much milder on the liver, with some bloodwork showing absolutely no negative effects. Take this with a grain of salt.
RAD-140 is a moderately strong SARM deemed the sweet spot by most, and a community favourite. It will contribute to very noticable muscle gains, and a big increase in strength. Much stronger than the SARMs mentioned thus far.
It is very popular for TRT users. The only thing to keep in mind with RAD-140 is that it does cause temporary hair shedding. Otherwise it is a dry compound perfect for bulking and cutting alike. It will cause an increase in liver enzymes and dyslipidemia to a larger extent than the SARMs previously mentioned.
LGD-4033 is another moderately strong SARM in the same category as RAD-140. They are extremely similar when it comes to muscle building, but empirical data suggests that RAD-140 is slightly better for strength.
LGD-4033 does not cause hair shedding, but it does retain water, and causes something known as the “LGD flu”.
LGD-3303 is in the class of strong SARMs, and known as the strongest SARM ever created. It will build more muscle and strength than any other SARM while keeping you dry and hard. The side effect profile is not as harsh as other SARMs in this category and you’ll likely experience elevated liver enzymes and cholesterol.
This SARM is to be used exclusively for bulking as using it in a caloric deficit would be a waste of it’s muscle building potential.
S-23 is a SARM originally developed as a male contraception agent. It’s a dry compound that is typically used for cutting as it was shown to burn fat in animal studies. It is very anabolic, and will definitely match RAD-140 and LGD-4033 in terms of muscle building, but is rarely used for bulking so we lack empirical data in that regard.
It is known to be very destructive on the lipid panel, much more than other SARMs. Dry joints and androgenic side effects also not uncommon.
Out of all the SARMs one could take on TRT this is the one I’d personally avoid because of the harsh side effect profile paired with the fact that it’s designed to shut down your balls and make you infertile in the short term.
YK-11 is classified as a steroidal SARM derived from DHT just like Tren and Deca, purported to inhibit myostatin by increasing follistatin levels. It’s the only SARM best utilized alongside other compounds, as it works via the myostatin pathway complementing and boosting anything you stack it with.
It will also cause dyslipidemia and increase liver enzymes, and may cause androgenic side effects as well as dry joints. In my opinion it’s an excellent compound to use while on TRT especially for bulking blasts.
SARMs offer a safer and effective alternative for those on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), compared to traditional steroids. They provide similar muscle-building benefits without the severe side effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS). Each SARM, from mild ones like Ostarine to stronger ones like RAD-140, has distinct effects and side effect profiles. For TRT users, SARMs bypass issues like testosterone suppression, but attention should be given to liver health and cholesterol levels. In essence, SARMs are a viable option for TRT users seeking muscle enhancement with a reduced health risk profile.
premium resources
Everything you would ever want or need to know about SARMs to use and recover from them. Also includes other research chemicals.
An all-in-one guide that will teach you how each of the peptides works, how you can use them and find the perfect one (or stack) to reach your goals.
Wish there was ONE comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to get you fully informed on the safe and effective use of anabolic steroids?
Improve penile function, get harder fuller and longer-lasting erections, increase stamina in bed and last longer, go more rounds. All the good stuff.
A summary of everything you NEED to know about using PHs as safely as possible, supplements to stay as healthy as possible during cycles and how to recover (PCT).
A document I originally made for my clients. A neat map to the sphere of PEDs and supplements.
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