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MOTS-c: Benefits, Side-Effects & How to use it

MOTS-c: Benefits, Side-Effects & How to use it
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MOTS-c (Mitochondrial Open reading frame of the Twelve S rRNA-c) is a 16-amino-acid, mitochondrial analogue peptide that has recently garnered some attention in bodybuilding circles thanks to its seemingly miraculous properties.

Before I delve into it’s properties, I want to give a disclaimer:

MOTS-c is VERY expensive. I don’t think most people would find it worth running when other compounds can offer similar benefits for 1/10th the price. However, it has been very requested in both DMs and emails, so I am covering it even though I don’t expect more than 1 or 2 of you to actually give it a shot.

The role of MOTS-c is to regulate metabolic functions for the production of energy. It’s mechanism of action is incredibly complicated and not very well-understood, but we can get a good idea of its effects by reading the preclinical trials it has gone through and the anecdotal information shared by users who have experimented with it.

Benefits of MOTS-c

The benefits of this peptide are many and I personally believe that not all of its possible benefit have been discovered yet.

In a nutshell, we could say that MOTS-c’s main function is to promote metabolic homeostasis. Therefore, it’s main benefits could be summed up as:

  • A reduction of blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
  • Improved metabolism, which translates into easier weight/fat loss.
  • Fatty acid metabolism.
  • Greater energy levels.
  • Improved glucose disposal.
  • Prevents osteoporosis.
  • Improves cardiovascular endurance.
  • May help with muscle growth.

In other words, this peptide optimizes some of the primary metabolic pathways involved in fat loss, physical performance and muscle growth.

I personally don’t think it would make a massive difference for someone who’s already enhanced and using gear and fat-burners, but it’s always nice to use something that can optimize things even further and provide an small but significant improvement in one’s results.

Side effects of MOTS-c

MOTS-c appears to have no side-effects when used properly, but I would not be surprised if overdosing it could cause hypoglycemia.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • Dizziness
  • Hunger
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive sweating

Is it worth it? How to use it?

10mg can cost anywhere from 45 to 70 dollars (less with my discount codes), but the minimal effective daily dose is 1mg. That means that it could easily cost you between 135 and 210 USD to run it per month at the lowest effective dose.

If you decide to use it, inject anywhere from 1 to 3mg subcutaneously every day. There is not set or agreed upon cycle length.

You can get it from AminoAsylum (POP20 for 20% off) or SwissChems (POP10 for 10% off) depending on where it’s in stock. Amino only ships to the US while SwissChems can ship internationally.

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