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Methyl-Stenbolone / Ultradrol (M-Sten) – What it is & How to use it

Methyl-Stenbolone / Ultradrol (M-Sten) – What it is & How to use it

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Methyl-Stenbolone (also known as M-Sten and Ultradrol) is a methylated derivative of Stenbolone, which is a powerful injectable DHT derivative that was never marketed.

Effects and Benefits

Anecdotally, users often compare it to Superdrol in that it provides serious gains in muscle mass and strength with little to no water retention. While it could be theoretically used to cut, its powerful nature makes it ideal for lean bulking cycles.

Side Effects

In terms of side-effects, you can expect it to be highly liver toxic due to it being 17a-alkylated. I have not seen reports of dry joints, but they may be possible. You can also expect your blood pressure to increase even though it does not cause water retention. Dyslipidemia and Testosterone shut down are guaranteed.

Dosage Protocol

If you happen to find it and you want to try it out, use 10 to 15 mg twice a day (for a total of 20-30mg a day) for up to 4 weeks at a time.

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