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deca dick

Deca Dick: Why It Happens & How to Solve It!

Understanding “Deca Dick” “Deca dick” is a term used to describe the propensity of Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) to cause erectile dysfunction, even when one is using a test base and…
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a muscular bodybuilder character dominating chess after he took the semax nootropic peptide

Semax Peptide: Benefits, Side-effects & How to use it

Semax is a synthetic peptide derived from the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a peptide hormone responsible for stimulating the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. However, Semax only constitutes a fraction of…
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a digital illustration of a bodybuilder sipping on a martini after he learned how to use hte MOTs-C peptide

MOTS-c: Benefits, Side-Effects & How to use it

MOTS-c (Mitochondrial Open reading frame of the Twelve S rRNA-c) is a 16-amino-acid, mitochondrial analogue peptide that has recently garnered some attention in bodybuilding circles thanks to its seemingly miraculous…
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5-Amino-1MQ: The Best Oral Fat Loss Peptide?

5-Amino-1MQ is a short-chain peptide that has shown promising results in the treatment of obesity. It is slowly growing in popularity as an excellent oral fat-burner that can reduce body fat significantly without causing serious side…
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